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Our Video Tips

Educational Video Library

We have provided several videos that we will be will helpful to you as you navigate your way in the early childhood arena. No matter what position you serve in the educational realms, we feel like you may be able to benefit from the information shared and enclosed.



Copyright Notice: The videos have been brought to you by GoSmallBiz and YouTube subscribers, and all credit must be given to the original video creators.

Early Recognition of Child Development Problems

Learn how to diagnose your child's developmental level and how you can seek support and help with your child's needs.

Bright from the Start Comissioner Speaks on Serious Incident Regarding Death of A Child

Commisioner Bobby Cagle addresses the investigation made regarding the death of a toddler due to negligence of child care providers.

Effective Teaching & Professional Development

Exploring the characteristics of an effective teacher and the qualities that they possess to achieve successful learning results.

Michelle Obama supports the launch of USDA's MyFoodPlate

Our First Lady supports healhty eating and lifestyle choices to help address the widespread epidemic of obesity.

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