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Frequently Asked Questions

We strive our best to be able to address and answer any and all inquiries that you have. Please feel free to reach out to us for any support you need, and we will address any of your concerns  in a timely and efficient manner.


I want training for my center staff. Will you come to my center?

Yes! ProTrainingPlus will travel to any licensed early child care provider in the state of Georgia to help meet your needs and concerns. Just let us know where you are located, and we can get you or your team started today! (Note: Child care centers outside of the Metro Atlanta area will be charged a reasonable distance fee to help with traveling costs.)


What kind of trainings does ProTrainingPlus provide?

All trianings provided are Bright from the Start State Approved, and can be provided for child care centers, family day cares, and group homes. Our trainings range from beginniner to intermediate level training courses, and all of our trainings can be applied towards your required annual state mandated training hours.


How are you qualified to train my staff?


Our trainers go through a rigorous professional development process in which they must display their credibility to train based on their educational background, years of direct experience with young children, and proof of receiving and providing ongoing adult learning and training.


What types of support services do you provide?

We support all early childhood professionals ranging from teachers to administrators, nutritional providers to transportation facilitators, counselors to instructional coaches, and beyond. We provide training, professional consultations, and access to a team of professional experts who are dedicated to strengthening your practice.


How can I verify your credibility?

We have a number of testominies from satisfied customers who can speak on our behalf, as well as third party non-biased agencies who can verify our validility in a non-subjective and accurate manner. We encourage you to utilize the information provided to make the simple decision to choose us among the rest.

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